Lectio Divina

Lectio Divina is an ancient Latin term which means “spiritual reading.”  We read the Bible not just to know its contents, but to experience its power to restore, heal, transform, and draw close to God. 

Lectio Divina is a simple way to prayerfully read the Bible, meditate on its message, and listen for what God may be saying for us to do.  It can be done privately, or with a small group of people.  The aim is to become more Christ-like.

One of the best attributes of Lectio Divina is that it encourages Bible reading with the Holy Spirit being the teacher.  Instead of reading the insights of others through a Bible study book, the Bible reader gleans his/her own reflections on the text of Scripture.  This approach bolsters confidence in learning the Bible and growing as a person.

Begin by reading a selected text of the Bible three times.  After each reading, observe a period of silence so that you can listen to what God is saying to you through the Bible.  Bob reminded me to have you jot your thoughts and insights in a journal or notebook.  The idea is to meditate, contemplate, and reflect on your reading.  The main goal is to listen for what God is saying to you.

First Reading

During the first reading, read the text aloud twice. Read through it slowly. The purpose of the first reading is to hear the text spoken out loud.  Listen for a word, phrase or idea that captures your attention. Turn your focus on those words or concepts, repeating them aloud several times.  Think about it for a while.  Make sure and write the word or phrase in your journal or notebook.

Second Reading

Read the text a second time.  Now, focus your attention on how the word, phrase or idea speaks to your life today. What does it mean for you right now? How is God speaking to you about your life through this word, phrase or idea? What is God speaking to you about? After the reading, observe a period of silence and write in your journal or notebook what you believe God is saying to you through the word, phrase, or idea.

Third Reading

Read the text of Scripture a third time. Focus on what God is calling you to do or to become. Experiencing God’s presence changes us. It calls us to something. During this final reading answer this question: What is God calling you to do or to be through this experience? After the third reading, again observe a period of silence, and then write in your journal or notebook what you are being called by God to do or to be.

Finish the Lectio Divina exercise with prayer that focuses on the action or the change of mind God has led you to through the Bible.  The entire exercise might take anywhere from 15 minutes to 60 minutes, depending upon what God is saying to you.  The key is in following through with the process without short-circuiting what the Spirit wants to do in your life.

Happy reading!  See you on the trail.

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